What did you learn from Jose?

Marcy Santana
To celebrate everyday. To not eat animals. To not drink soda or alcohol. Life is short so enjoy every moment. Dancing outside will bring you happiness. The hippie lifestyle of Peace, Love and Happiness is the best way to live. Always give your friends and family hugs and kisses.

What did Jose dislike?

Marcy Santana
Politics and Religions

What did Jose love?

Marcy Santana
Music, dancing, family, friends, Sparky, pot, Mexico beaches, massage, fruits, coconut water, hiking, long walks around the neighborhood, KPFA radio station, the tropics and traveling.

Did Jose have a favorite phrase or common mannerism?

Marcy Santana
"Celebrate Everyday!"
Marcy Santana
"Just for today, don't get angry, don't worry, work hard, be grateful, love yourself and everybody." ~Primo Santana

What are your best memories of time together?

Marcy Santana
When we went to Canada twice on road trips with our dog Sparky and going to outdoor music festivals. I loved dancing with him. There was always people taking videos and photos of him dancing.

Post a photo from each decade of Jose's life

Marcy Santana
When he was a young man in his 20s.
Marcy Santana
Primo when he was 5 years old at his parents 25th wedding anniversary. He is standing between his sister and mother.
Marcy Santana
Jose touching the soccer ball. He played with his brothers and neighbors.

What made Jose laugh?

Marcy Santana
He loved to tell funny jokes and watch comedies on TV.

How would Jose most want to be remembered?

Marcy Santana
As a free spirit that loved music, dancing, family and friends.

What words of comfort can you offer Jose's family and friends?

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